There is nothing worse than coming across an unexpected expense. Whether it is an emergency repair, an unforeseen maintenance cost or a surprise bill, not having the cash to cover unexpected costs can be a very stressful situation. Fast Loan do not provide secured loans for various reasons, but we do have a wide range of short term loan options for you to choose from. Additionally, at Fast Loan, we are happy to accept applications even from those who don’t have a perfect credit score. If you have been turned down by other lenders offering either unsecured or secured loan online, we have the potential to help. Unlike secured loan brokers, we do not request collateral, or any security of any other kind.
We offer alternatives to secured loans in the UK of up to £2,000 that are sustainably affordable for each and every customer. You can choose to repay in flexible weekly, fortnightly, or monthly instalments and can have up to 8 months to repay your loan.
As direct lenders, our customers’ wellbeing is our number one priority. We strive to be a transparent, responsible lender and offer our customers the best loans possible. You’ll have a dedicated Customer Care manager who will work with you for the duration of your loan term. To find out more about our loans, or for information on secured loans in the UK, contact Fast Loan today. Our specialists will be happy to help.
Secured loans in the UK involve you offering an asset, such as your car, home, or another personal belonging, which you would typically be able to borrow up to half the value of. The secured loan broker would have the ability to repossess this asset if you were unable to keep up with the repayments of your secured loan. It would usually be sold at auction for substantially less than the market value so the lender could recover their costs as quickly as possible. If the sale doesn’t cover your unpaid balance following this, you could still be liable to repay the remaining amount, plus costs.
When you don’t have a great credit score, you may often find it challenging to be approved for credit. Some secured loan brokers and other direct lenders won’t be willing to work with you. Secured loan lenders in the UK may ask for security to mitigate the risks that they see as being implicated in loaning to you. At Fast Loan, we would like all potential borrowers to know that opting for secured loans online are not the only choice you have if you have a low credit score. Instead, we offer various other small loan options, such as unsecured loans, even to those who have bad credit. Rather than asking for collateral, we simply prefer to follow a process that ensures that you are able to afford any loan you apply for, protecting you and ourselves in equal measure.
Sometimes, opting for secured loans online may allow you to receive lower interest rates, but that isn’t always the case. At Fast Loan, we operate online only, which keeps our overheads low and allows us to offer the best loan terms to our customers.
However, as with all types of credit, if you don’t keep up with the repayments on, there could be negative consequences for your credit score. We appreciate that situations change, and if you are concerned that you might not make a specific repayment, contact your Customer Care manager. We will try to help you come up with an alternative agreement, such as dividing the amount and paying it over your remaining instalments.
Although unable to offer secured loans to our UK customers, there are many benefits of choosing Fast Loan. We are a pay day loan direct lender, meaning you don’t have to pay any broker fees. When taking out a loan with us, we don’t charge any fees and when it comes to assessing applications, we keep things as simple as possible. Whether you have a bad credit score or even any ‘negative’ factors on your credit report, you’re still welcome to apply. We look beyond your financial past, and make our decisions based on your current affordability, rather than penalising you for your past.
We’ll assess the last few months of your bank statements to see your regular income and any outgoing payments, such as rent or mortgage payments, direct debits, loan and credit card repayments and so on. If there is an adequate amount of acumen remaining for you to sustainably afford the repayments on your loan, we’ll usually be happy to approve your application. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide loans to people who are bankrupt, have a Debt Relief Order, or an Individual Voluntary Arrangement.
You’re welcome to apply if you meet the following criteria:
At Fast Loan, we don’t like making things more difficult than they need to be. When you’re faced with an emergency expense that you need to pay immediately, we don’t want to delay things further by having to value your house or car. If you don’t have the best credit score, we think the best approach is to offer personal loans that you can afford to repay, not to take away your assets if you don’t. To us, it makes the most sense to not offer secured loans in the UK, but instead to offer other options. If you can afford the loan you have applied for and aren’t in long-term financial difficulty, we’ll be happy to help.
All you need to do is fill out our quick and easy application form. You’ll need to let us know how much you need to cover your emergency payment, then figure out the best loan repayment term for your budget. You can spread the cost over more instalments up to 8 months, which makes each repayment more manageable. However, this will increase the total cost of your loan, as interest builds up over time. If you have any questions about taking our loans, or require more information contact Fast Loan today.
If you’re looking for instant cash today, and you have proven your affordability, our loans can help you in a difficult situation. As Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) approved lenders, we work to responsible lending guidelines to ensure your application is treated fairly and to determine you can afford the loan you apply for. If you have any questions about secured loans in the UK, or any of the loans that we do offer, please get in touch. To start your application for any of our other loans, click apply now.
We do not offer secured loans in the UK. Once we approve your loan application for another type of loan, we are able to process payments straight to your bank account very quickly. Many of our customers have received their loan within 20 minutes of signing the agreement, but this timeframe may vary depending on when you apply. If you apply outside of business hours, such as a weekend or bank holiday, the loan application will not be processed until the next working day.
The cost of borrowing £300 over 6 months: